So many of my French friends grew up eating this regularly. Sadly, in UK we rarely eat turkey, except ubiquitously at Christmas when it can be overcooked, dry and dull. In France you can easily buy escalopes, or for that matter legs, any time. The cream and mushrooms give this dish a luxurious feel, despite its relatively modes price. No wonder harvest cooks serve this often.
250 (8 oz) mushrooms
60 g (2 oz) butter
2 - 3 shallots
1⁄2 tablespoon sunflower or groundnut oil
6 turkey breast escalopes (if cut by your butcher they should be quite thin and weigh about 60 - 90 g (2 - 3 oz) each. If you have to buy the turkey breast and slice it yourself,it will not matter if you end up with smaller pieces - just have more of them)
200 ml (7 fl oz) thick crème fraîche
a squeeze of lemon
salt, pepper and grated nutmeg
Wipe the mushrooms clean and slice thinly. Melt half the butter in a pan and sauté the mushrooms until they are soft and their liquid has almost evaporated.
Peel and chop the shallots.
Heat the rest of the butter and the oil in a frying pan. When it is hot (but do not let it burn) put in as many escalopes as is convenient at one time without crowding them. When they have browned on both sides, turn the heat down a bit and let them carry on cooking, about another 5 minutes, depending on thickness, until they are cooked through. When they are all cooked, keep them warm on a serving dish.
Sauté the shallots in the same butter. When they are melting, add the créme fraîche, stirring and scraping the bottom of the pan. Let it bubble and cook for a few minutes.
Add the mushrooms and seasoning including the lemon juice, tasting until you think it is right.
Pour over the escalopes and serve.